is the 1st only thing that I only can say.. to you dear Blog Reader.

This blog was made by me, so that I could put my work here and come back and read about my past and remember the Joy & Sorrow I experienced... and also some of my thoughts & IDEAS!!! that I would like to put on my blog..
Feel free to Look around & Make yourself at home by reading this blog... alright enough RIFF RAFF have a look around ;)

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Fed up

Ever had that moment where you're just sick and tired of the things that never change around you? I do.
I'm sick and tired of people giving excuses and saying that they'll make up for it. Even though they said that, they don't turn over a new leaf. They never do. Ever had people that just don't understand your situation? Well I guess a lot of us have. Before anyone is going to say "don't complain, other people have it worse", I say that everyone deserves a fair chance. Everyone deserves to be understood. Even you too, the person who think's this is nothing compared to the other people who had suffered more. You need to be understood. Well since that's said. I understand you. I know how you feel. :)

Moving on, this semester is a little unusual and creepy.. as if its too normal.. but I already know the time-frame is twice as short as a regular one. "Yes, this is a short sem! What am I doing sitting around?" which was what I said but our lecturer's not giving us any big assignments or exercises quick enough for us to pick up the pace with the amount of days we have left... which makes me worry. But there is nothing I can do. So why worry? I'll just solve it when it steps in front of me.. like I've always had.. but this time.. I know what to do.

Aaaah, Kara No Kyoukai feel is coming back.
Its that time of the year again.. its already October soon it'll be November and my semester will end.. Don't know why but whenever its December, KnK comes up again in my head.. talking about the cold outside at night under the night sky... of course.. in Johor Bahru.. Going to plan a meeting again this end of this year during December.. something like a "reunion" with the bros. The end of this year sure is coming fast. only 7 more weeks to go.

Updated my mixpod music with some of my favourite instrumental pieces.

Thats all for today ladies and gentlemen! :D

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