is the 1st only thing that I only can say.. to you dear Blog Reader.

This blog was made by me, so that I could put my work here and come back and read about my past and remember the Joy & Sorrow I experienced... and also some of my thoughts & IDEAS!!! that I would like to put on my blog..
Feel free to Look around & Make yourself at home by reading this blog... alright enough RIFF RAFF have a look around ;)

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Stray Stargazer

Stars shine bright... people passing by... standing in the crowd... looking in the sky... a lonely stranger am I... I have gone astray... following a starlight ray...

Feeling lost.... feeling lonely... no one to talk to but himself... and his imaginary friends... all he have is the stars... their shimmering lights played host to him... Not thinking... not even a thought... wonders of the stars... forever in his own world...

That is all I want to express today...... cause I feel like it.... I'm also having a suspicion that someone is AVOIDING me... but it can't be... maybe its just coincidence...
Moving on, went to school in the breaking of dawn... did my work, referred a few notes., revised an old topic. Focused in classes, Bell rang, time to go home, walked in the sun, drenched like sponge...
Thoughts of the past catches up... wondering why their still here......
- - - Life of the Thean - - -

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