is the 1st only thing that I only can say.. to you dear Blog Reader.

This blog was made by me, so that I could put my work here and come back and read about my past and remember the Joy & Sorrow I experienced... and also some of my thoughts & IDEAS!!! that I would like to put on my blog..
Feel free to Look around & Make yourself at home by reading this blog... alright enough RIFF RAFF have a look around ;)

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Life out of college.

Hello there. It's been a hell long of a time every since I've posted. I wanted to make a post as soon as I graduate but I just felt too lazy to do it. But now here it is, an update.

First of all. Let's talk about leaving college and entering the working life for the first time. It was quite an uncomfortable transition but I didn't kill myself over it. I've gotten used to working life and have already forgotten about the college days even though it was only yesterday. Half a year has already passed since I've started working. Days like these seem endless to me... it feels like I have fallen into another abyss. I have a loan to pay and a commitment to hold every month. Yes, the adult life seems very plain and boring to me. No hangouts, no friends, colleagues are kept as colleagues due to trust issues. Games are getting boring, life is getting a lot more on the small side where something simple is enough to satisfy me, yet I still feel restless.

Feels like life has moved on to episode two. Everything is way different than it is during high school building up to now. Family is a lot more important as you grow older. Friends are too. Choose them wisely. It feels sad that I am not sociable enough and sometimes painful to think that I am alone, but I am also conflicted by the fact that I want to have alone time. So I look for stuffs to do alone. (i.e. a Hobby).

Here is a picture of my Hobby.
Life might feel quite meaningless but I also remember that I am pursuing a career, but if this is what I really wanted. I would not have complained in the first place. Truth is, I don't know what I really want. Life isn't just about your dreams. I can only wonder what's in store for me next.  I also might be am a very weak Christian right now as I have not gone to church at all(Probably once in a blue moon). Its very complicated.

Hoping to have a partner to share my life with, but at the same time too stubborn to change my own habit to get one. I've gotten tired of doing anything. I mostly focus on my personal stuffs now rather than people. I  might be turning in to am a very selfish person. 

What lies ahead I think? Well... I hope I have the strength to see through it till the end.