is the 1st only thing that I only can say.. to you dear Blog Reader.

This blog was made by me, so that I could put my work here and come back and read about my past and remember the Joy & Sorrow I experienced... and also some of my thoughts & IDEAS!!! that I would like to put on my blog..
Feel free to Look around & Make yourself at home by reading this blog... alright enough RIFF RAFF have a look around ;)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Holiday in Johor Bahru!

Back in JB, after a long semester 3.. aaah semester 3... it was satisfying.. at the same time.. unsatisfying.. and also regretful.. things were good.. and this were also bad... this semester is a lesson for me not to take my assignments lightly... I for once can't believe how much of an idiot i am until now... not gonna make that happen again... I might try to finish all assignments like someone did in third sem.. :P First of all.. I was really sorry to all my lecturers.. i let them down.. disappointed them.. if i need to punished. i wouldn't mind accepting it.. second... I'd thank all my friends,classmates, and teammates for helping with the group work.. you guys were very good.. where I was... just falling behind... sorry for being a burden... :(

Holiday here is to ease the mind... daily routine here is simple.. you wake up.. you eat.. you do what you want.. evening.. go back home.. eat... chat with friends.. sleep... rinse and repeat..  its as simple as that.. also.. Initial D in Jusco Indah is more dead lately.. hopefully its not me who scared away all of em.. I wish I could start over and re-experience those spine chilling battles... Its really lonely down here.. even with friends.. I miss someone alot.. :(  this place can get very hot.. and get very cold at night.. and very cozy when its raining.. its a place where you could sleep soundly and not care about a thing in the world.. a place to relax and just enjoy yourself.... I take walks here.. listen to music.. go to Jusco play Initial D..  go to my friends house to chill.. There is still more to come.. Not to forget my Flash Animation assignment. I'm not gonna let my lecturer down.... he expects good work and he deserves nothing less than that... hopefully i can achieve what he wants...  

Thats all there is to say here... nothing much.... still enjoying the breeze and the peace here in my place.. but its slowly changing because of the new bus station behind my house and the construction of new houses.... but all and all... its still is.. pretty quiet... nice weather... my home :)