is the 1st only thing that I only can say.. to you dear Blog Reader.

This blog was made by me, so that I could put my work here and come back and read about my past and remember the Joy & Sorrow I experienced... and also some of my thoughts & IDEAS!!! that I would like to put on my blog..
Feel free to Look around & Make yourself at home by reading this blog... alright enough RIFF RAFF have a look around ;)

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Troubled Times

In Troubled times..... I keep getting frustrated.. I can't take it no more... Everything I try to do ends up in a BIG MISTAKE . I seriously can't take it anymore.... why is this happening to me.. Why do I keep failing to do simple stuff..... so I even tried to turn to GOD for help... and yet it still isn't enough.. there are still alot more problems to solve.... I keep making mistakes that I lost my self-confidence and because... BECAUSE I was frustrated.. I end up getting angry and then I make even more mistake..... and no one understands me because of how many screwed up things I had done.. ''God, what is going on?'' what is happening? everything is so wrong.. I wan't to make things right...